Work To date
Initially the task of clearing the site was carried out manually by volunteers, with equipment loaned by NCC. However, the task was aided tremendously when we received the assistance of a team of workmen, with equipment, from Northumberland County Council. In a 4 day period they made significant inroads into clearing the site, as can be seen from some of the photographs above. This work greatly aided and enhanced the progress of the operation. The clearance work continues and at this present time there is also a need for weed control as the vegetation is regenerating with the onset of Spring/ Summer. The team will be continuing this work, meeting twice weekly (Wednesday/ Friday) and hope to have the site cleared within a short time. The final decision as to when public access will be permitted rests with NCC.
In tandem with the site clearance work, a programme of research has been conducted, primarily by one of our volunteers, Ray Moore, and the location of grave sites and the details of whom is interred within them has been , where ever possible, logged and noted.
There is still a significant amount of work to do on this and it is hampered to a large extent by the fact that a considerable number of the memorials are lying face down, making it impossible, at present, to read the inscriptions.
Future Plans
One of the pressing items, which must be addressed, is the acquisition of tools and equipment. At present we are totally dependent on the goodwill of NCC, but the availability of tools cannot always be guaranteed and the only way to be certain of having equipment available is to purchase our own. To finance this we have been fortunate in obtaining grant aid and will be pursuing other sources for further financial assistance in the future to help plan for the ongoing care and maintenance of the cemetery and for carrying out the research into the memorials.
We are also liaising with, and seeking the advice of other organisations such as SPAB, Caring For God’s Acre and other specialists in this field.
We are actively working to promote the project to the wider community, there is currently a display in the front window of one of Prudhoe’s business’s and we are liaising with Prudhoe Library with a view to having a display mounted within the library along with a supply of information leaflets.