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​Update – November 2017

Good news 1

The team have won a further award in the “The Love Northumberland” competition. A magazine has been published highlight all the projects which were successful, the page about the cemetery project can be viewed by clicking on the link below.
The magazine can be seen by contacting Len Franchetti.

Great Finds

The work in the cemetery continues to throw up new finds. Len recently uncovered what appears to be a child’s grave near the East wall, and Jean Keep has found a very interesting circular salt glazed relic which looks like it has been the base into which a headstone could slot.

Meanwhile Ray Moore and Ann Blackburn continue to search the archives and collate lots of interesting information on the people interred in the cemetery. The article in Pauline Maughan’s notes in the Hexham Courant produced several enquiries which Len is following up.

Good news 2

The cemetery team have been successful in obtaining a further grant of £1000 from Northumberland County Council’s Community Chest fund. The team did apply for a grant of £5,000 which would have enabled them to purchase a site cabin for tool storage and topsoil.

They have also applied for grants from the Co-op’s Community fund and Tesco Bags of Help but have been unsuccessful in both. But not to be discouraged, they will try again later. Other funding sources have been identified, so watch this space!

Thank You 1

It would be most remiss if we didn’t say a big THANK YOU to the apprentices from ESSITY who gave us four sessions of help and assistance. They really enjoyed the experience and it is hoped that we can get them back when the new intake start work at the factory next year.

A very big thank you also to all our volunteers who turn up week after week, sometimes in less than pleasant weather, some great work done despite battling the elements.

Thank You 2 – The Faculty

The Archdeacon of Lindisfarne paid an impromptu visit to the cemetery and was most impressed. He has asked that his thanks be passed on to everybody who is involved in the “Amazing Transformation” of the cemetery.
He called in en route to a meeting with St. Mary Magdalene’s new vicar (The Reverend Daniel Freyhan) and we took him on a guided tour of the cemetery. The Archdeacon is keen for work to progress and has approved, in principle, the siting of cabin for tool storage in the North-West corner of the cemetery.

We also discussed the requirements for tree felling and the removal of stumps, wall repairs, fencing and the re-siting of headstones. We now have the necessary guidelines, and will be submitting documents and photographs to the church authorities. We are too late for the next Diocese Meeting and will have to wait until February before we can get the go ahead.

Thank You 3

Anne Edwards for the tea and biscuits, a very welcome treat which is very much appreciated.